Journal of orthopaedic trauma

Stem Cell Therapies in Orthopaedic Trauma.

Journal of orthopaedic trauma

Marcucio RS, Nauth A, Giannoudis PV, Bahney C, Piuzzi NS, Muschler G, Miclau T

Reexamination of pelvic inlet and outlet images using 3-dimensional computed tomography reconstructions.

Journal of orthopaedic trauma

Pekmezci M, Rotter P, Toogood P, Morshed S, Kandemir U

Risk factors for failure of locked plate fixation of distal femur fractures: an analysis of 335 cases.

Journal of orthopaedic trauma

Ricci WM, Streubel PN, Morshed S, Collinge CA, Nork SE, Gardner MJ

Atypical femur fractures.

Journal of orthopaedic trauma

Borrelli J, Lane J, Bukata S, Egol KA, Takemoto R, Slobogean G, Morshed S

Status of road safety and injury burden: North America.

Journal of orthopaedic trauma

Shearer D, Morshed S, Miclau T

Modulation of macrophage activity during fracture repair has differential effects in young adult and elderly mice.

Journal of orthopaedic trauma

Slade Shantz JA, Yu YY, Andres W, Miclau T, Marcucio R

The effect of fracture pattern stability on implant loading in OTA type 31-A2 proximal femur fractures.

Journal of orthopaedic trauma

Marmor M, Liddle K, Pekmezci M, Buckley J, Matityahu A

A method for detection of lateral malleolar malrotation using conventional fluoroscopy.

Journal of orthopaedic trauma

Marmor M, Kandemir U, Matityahu A, Jergesen H, McClellan T, Morshed S

Reduction of pullout strength caused by reinsertion of 3.5-mm cortical screws.

Journal of orthopaedic trauma

Matityahu A, Hurschler C, Badenhop M, Stukenborg-Colsman C, Waizy H, Wentz B, Marmor M, Krettek C
