Featured Publications

2024 Featured Member Publications

Building a Better Bone: Promoting Endochondral Ossification to Stimulate Vascularized Bone Regeneration

Characterizing Skeletal Defects in Col4a1 mutant mice

  • Mazur C, Labelle-Dumais C, Acevedo C, Alliston T, and Gould D. 2016. Tackling Joint Disease by Understanding Crosstalk between Cartilage and Bone Research. AAOS/ORS Symposium: Rosemont, IL, 2016.

Endplate dysfunction in disc degeneration: Investigating solute transport kinetics, disc cell viability, and new imaging methods

Neuro-regulation of osteoporosis and heterotopic ossification after spinal cord injury

How to cite the CCMBM:

If you have utilized CCMBM funding, core services, or formed a collaboration with our membership - kindly acknowledge the CCMBM in related publications, workshops and presentations. 

Example: Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Institute Of Arthritis And Musculoskeletal And Skin Diseases of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number P30AR075055. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.

Publication Compliance:

To have a publication be compliant by the National Institute of Health’s standards, it must have a PMCID listed on PubMed. It is important to bring related CCMBM publications into compliance as non-compliant publications can halt or delay the processing of the grant’s progress reports.

To verify if your publications are compliant and if not – how to make them compliant, please follow these steps:

  • Visit PubMed.gov and search for your publication. If the listing does not contain a PMCID – this indicates that it has not gone through the compliance process with the NIH.
  • You will then have to confirm which Method in which the publication was submitted (Methods A-D)
  • Method A: If the journal that was involved in publishing appears on the Method A list, that means it will become compliant in a year from the publish date (without author involvement). If this is not the case, reach out to the journal.
  • Method B: Similar to Method A, verify if the journal is on the Method B list. The journals on this list involves a fee-based open access publication process. If the journal appears on this list, reach out to their contact to inquire next steps.

For the following methods, you will also need to verify if the publication has been deposited in NIHMS by logging into myNCBI & searching the publication’s PMCID.

  • Method C: Publications in this category will require a manual submission from start to finish by the principal investigator. Visit the NIH’s tutorial site and use a guide based on where the publication’s status is in NIHMS.
  • Method D: The journals on this list deposit a final peer reviewed manuscript to the NIH’s submission system when it meets the NIH’s policy. The journals may be able to initiate deposit for you, but the principal investigator must complete additional steps/review after deposit to meet compliance. Verify if the journal appears on the list.

Helpful links:

If you have any questions related to publication compliance, please reach out to Tom Sullivan.

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