Become a Member

Complete our online application below to become a member. Applications are accepted on a monthly rolling basis.

The Internal Advisory Committee will review your application and provide status of your membership application within 30 days. Questions may be sent to Tom Sullivan.

Full/Associate/Affiliate membership requirements (click to expand)

  • Your name, full contact information, and website URL (if you have one)
  • Keywords that describe your research area
  • Current NIH-style biosketch - please use the 2022 NIH template (FORMS-H). Find a blank form (here) and instructions (here). Find the non-fellowship biosketch sample (here) and postdoctoral sample (here).
  • Statement of interest - short note about ways you would like to be involved in our Center and/or suggestions for activities
  • Please indicate whether you are an Early Stage Investigator or Junior Investigator, and which membership category you are interested in joining - Full, Associate, Affiliate.

Student membership requirements (click to expand)

  • Your name, full contact information, and website URL (if you have one)
  • Current NIH-style biosketch - please use the 2022 NIH template. Find a blank form (here), sample (here) and instructions (here). 
  • Statement of interest - a short note about how you would like to be involved in our Center and/or how membership will be of benefit to you 
  • Mentor name, title, and contact information (address, phone, email) 
Membership Obligations
  • Acknowledge the MSK Center CCMBM funding and/core support in all publications
  • Participate in MSK Center CCMBM activities by using the core facilities, attend technical workshops, seminar series, symposia, retreat, etc.
  • Complete annual membership survey

Membership Types

The MSK Center CCMBM membership will include UCSF investigators who engage in research relevant to musculoskeletal biology or disease and will mirror the multi-campus community at UCSF.



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