The mission of the UCSF Musculoskeletal (MSK) Training Program is to prepare a diverse community of Ph.D. scientists and M.D. or M.D./Ph.D. residents and fellows for a lifetime of scholarly pursuits that lead to in-depth understanding and improved care of patients with MSK diseases.
Stipends & Benefits
Childcare Benefits for Postdoctoral Scholars
On Oct. 1, 2024, the reimbursement amount will increase to $2,600 per year.
T32 Scholar Conference Travel Stipend
As part of the T32 program, we have set aside up to $1,000 per scholar to cover travel-related expenses to a conference related to their research. Travel must take place before March 31, 2025. Eligible expenses include hotel, airfare, and incidentals.
Please contact Aaron Fields before booking any conference travel.
Training-related Expense Reimbursement Stipend
As part of the T32 program, we have set aside as needed funds to cover training-related expenses. Eligible expenses include research supplies, equipment, software, and core services.
Please contact Aaron Fields to determine if your expense is reimbursable under this stipend.
T32 Scholar Continuing Education & Tuition Stipend
For trainees that would like additional coursework, we have set aside funds which can be applied towards specific courses across multiple departments at UCSF.
Learn more about examples of eligible courses for the Fall 2024 quarter below. If you are interested in taking any of these courses next quarter, please contact Aaron Fields.
Biostatistics 208 - Biostatistical Methods II
Instruction in multiple predictor analyses as a tool for control of confounding and for constructing predictive models. Topics will include exploratory data analyses, linear regression, and logistic regression. The STATA statistical package will be used.
Bioengineering 221 - Tissue Mechanobiology
A central role for many tissues is to support physical forces (tension, compression, shear, pressure). This course will introduce the mechanisms by which cells respond to load; how these mechanisms are relevant to normal function & disease etiology; progression; prevention & treatment; an overview of tissue mechanics (relationships between force, stress/strain), mechanisms of cell/matrix interactions, examples of tissue modeling & remodeling in response to physical stimuli.
Genetics 200A - Principles of Genetics
In-depth analysis of genetic mechanisms in selected procaryotes and eucaryotes. Topics include recombination, forward and reverse screens including suppressor and enhancer screens, mapping, epistasis analysis, RNAi, CRSIPR, meiotic and mitotic segregation.
EPI 205 - Clinical Trials
Instruction in experimental design options in clinical research; methods of randomization; blinding; interventions and controls; measuring outcomes and adverse effects; follow-up, compliance and post-randomization problems; ethical issues; and working with pharmaceutical companies.
EPI 218 - Data Collection and Management for Clinical Research
Instruction in data collection and management for clinical research, including the relational database model, data collection forms, reports, and exports to statistical packages. Specific applications include REDCap and Microsoft Access with the option of exporting to Stata or R. Build SQL statements using the Access query design tool.
Workshops & Classes
Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Courses
Basic Sciences Responsible Conduct of Research
Next Offered: Winter 2025
The purpose of this course is to ensure that basic sciences researchers are well versed with respect to training in responsible conduct in research (RCR). Attendees also gain an understanding of federal, state, and UCSF policies and resources available to further support their research endeavors. The course will be delivered in Mission Bay, and each session will include a lecture followed by a breakout session.
Human Subjects Responsible Conduct of Research
Next Offered: Spring 2025
This RCR course is designed for researchers who work with human subjects or data derived from human subjects (e.g. clinical, survey, EHR, or ethnographic data). The course is comprised of video and in-person lectures, readings, case studies, and weekly real-time small group discussions via Zoom. It addresses requirements and regulations for human subjects research, including IRB approval and consent.
K-Grant Writing Workshop
Application Deadline: February 7, 2025
The Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) Training Program offers a workshop three times per year for approximately 4-8 UCSF research scholars (fellows or early junior faculty), who are planning to apply for a K-series grant in patient-oriented research. This is a structured set of faculty-facilitated works-in-progress sessions, focused on writing a mentored K-grant, for submission during the upcoming K-cycle due date. Because of the emphasis on training and career development, the K grant requires specific elements that differ from traditional investigator-initiated grants. These additional elements are the emphasis of this workshop.