Current Research

Pilot/Feasibility Projects

Headshot of Kelly Wentworth, MD

Kelly Wentworth, MD

Department of Medicine
Identifying Therapies for Fibrous Dysplasia of the Bone Using a Drug Repositioning Strategy


Tools & Technology Projects

Headshot of Daehyun Yoon, PhD

Daehyun Yoon, PhD

Department of Radiology & Biomedical Imaging
Ultra-short Echo Time MRI for Aiding in the Detection of Vessels in Cortical Bone Pore Space


Past CCMBM Projects 

Pilot/Feasibility Projects

Tools and Technology Projects

Core Voucher Projects


Daniel Clark

Daniel Clark, DDS, PhD

Department of Orofacial Sciences
Age-Related Changes of Macrophage: Implications for Immunomodulation in Periodontal Disease

Caitlin Chambers

Caitlin Chambers, MD

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Risk Factors For Progressive Degenerative Changes After Meniscal Root Tears as Defined By Longitudinal Magnetic Resonance Imaging


Janet Lee, MD, MPH

Department of Medicine
Bone density, structure, and estimated strength in transgender youth receiving pubertal suppression in early puberty