Journal of orthopaedic trauma

From Mission Trips to Partnerships: The Evolution of International Outreach.

Journal of orthopaedic trauma

Shearer DW, Morshed S, Coughlin RR, Miclau T

Conducting a Randomized Controlled Trial in Tanzania: Institute for Global Orthopaedics and Traumatology and the Muhimbili Orthopaedic Institute.

Journal of orthopaedic trauma

Ibrahim J, Liu M, Yusi K, Haonga B, Eliezer E, Shearer DW, Morshed S

Clinical Research Course for International Orthopaedic Surgeons: 2-Year Outcomes.

Journal of orthopaedic trauma

Wu HH, Ibrahim J, Conway D, Liu M, Morshed S, Miclau T, Coughlin RR, Shearer DW

Transtibial Amputation Outcomes Study (TAOS): Comparing Transtibial Amputation With and Without a Tibiofibular Synostosis (Ertl) Procedure.

Journal of orthopaedic trauma

Bosse MJ, Morshed S, Reider L, Ertl W, Toledano J, Firoozabadi R, Seymour RB, Carroll E, Scharfstein DO, Steverson B, MacKenzie EJ, METRC

Outcomes After Severe Distal Tibia, Ankle, and/or Foot Trauma: Comparison of Limb Salvage Versus Transtibial Amputation (OUTLET).

Journal of orthopaedic trauma

Bosse MJ, Teague D, Reider L, Gary JL, Morshed S, Seymour RB, Toledano J, Cannada LK, Steverson B, Scharfstein DO, Luly J, MacKenzie EJ, METRC

A Prospective Randomized Trial to Assess Oral Versus Intravenous Antibiotics for the Treatment of Postoperative Wound Infection After Extremity Fractures (POvIV Study).

Journal of orthopaedic trauma

Obremskey WT, Schmidt AH, O'Toole RV, DeSanto J, Morshed S, Tornetta P, Murray CK, Jones CB, Scharfstein DO, Taylor TJ, Carlini AR, Castillo RC, METRC
