Wendy Katzman, DPTSc, PT

Adjunct Professor
Physical Therapy
+1 415 353-7598

Dr. Wendy Katzman is Professor in the Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science. She is a physical therapist and board-certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist. Dr. Katzman received a Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy from the University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston and a post-professional Doctor of Physical Therapy Science degree from the University of California (UCSF)/San Francisco State Graduate Program in Physical Therapy. Dr. Katzman completed the UCSF Advanced Training in Clinical Research certificate program and a NIH/UCSF K12 Building Interdisciplinary Research Careers in Women’s Health research fellowship to study age-related hyperkyphosis. Dr. Katzman sees patients in the UCSF Women’s Health Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation Program and teaches community-based exercise classes in the Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science Health and Wellness Center.

Dr. Katzman's research interests are focused on the influence of excessive spinal curvature in the thoracic spine, also known as hyperkyphosis, on physical function and health-related quality of life. She is conducting 2 clinical trials to investigate preventative and rehabilitative strategies for improving kyphosis and musculoskeletal aging in older men and women. Her research is funded by the National Institutes of Health, including the National Institute of Aging, Office of Research in Women's Health, and the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases.

Interests: musculoskeletal aging, pelvic health, effects of hyperkphyosis on physical function and health-related quality of life, randmized controlled exercise trials


Associations between menopause status, spinal-related musculoskeletal variables and gait speed in middle-aged females: A short report.

Musculoskeletal care

Fatehi F, Roghani T, Zafarbakhsh A, Gladin A, Bokaee F, Isfahani NT, Abdollahpour I, Niknam H, Heidari-Beni M, Katzman WB

The Association Between Physical Function and Hyperkyphosis in Older Females: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

Journal of geriatric physical therapy (2001)

Roghani T, Allen DD, Gladin A, Rahimi A, Mehrabi M, Rezaeian ZS, Farajzadegan Z, Katzman WB

Hyperkyphosis and mortality risk in older men: The osteoporotic fractures in men study.

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

Cours A, Huang MH, Fink H, Ensrud KE, Schousboe JT, Katzman W, Schneider D, Lane NE, Cawthon P, Kado DM

Kinesiotaping as an adjunct to exercise therapy for symptomatic and asymptomatic swimmers: A randomized controlled trial.

Science & Sports

A. Naderi, S.H. Mousavi, W.B. Katzman, K.D. Rostami, S. Goli, M.H. Rezvani, H. Degens

Factors associated with the 6-minute walk test performance in older adults with hyperkyphosis.

Geriatric nursing (New York, N.Y.)

Fukuoka Y, Katzman WB, Gladin A, Lane NE, Yoo JO

Slower upper extremity function in older adults with hyperkyphosis negatively impacts the 6-min walk test.

BMC musculoskeletal disorders

Fukuoka Y, Katzman WB, Gladin A, Lane NE, Kado DM, Oh YJ

Sagittal Spinal Mobility and Back Extensor Muscle Function in Older Females with Age-Related Hyperkyphosis.

Journal of Modern Rehabilitation

Tayebeh Roghani, Amy Gladin, Saeed Talebian, Minoo Khalkhali Zavieh, Hoda Niknam, Wendy B. Katzman

The Association Between Physical Function and Hyperkyphosis in Older Females: Protocol for a Systematic Review.

International journal of preventive medicine

Mehrabi M, Roghani T, Allen DD, Rezaeian ZS, Katzman WB

Exercise for improving age-related hyperkyphosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis with GRADE assessment.

Archives of osteoporosis

Ponzano M, Tibert N, Bansal S, Katzman W, Giangregorio L

Response to: Some Questions About the Article "The Efficacy and Safety of Vertebral Augmentation: A Second ASBMR Task Force Report".

Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research

Buchbinder R, Ebeling PR, Akesson K, Bauer DC, Eastell R, Fink HA, Giangregorio L, Guanabens N, Kado D, Kallmes D, Katzman W, Rodriguez A, Wermers R, Wilson HA, Bouxsein ML

Back Muscle Function in Older Women With Age-Related Hyperkyphosis: A Comparative Study.

Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics

Roghani T, Khalkhali Zavieh M, Talebian S, Akbarzadeh Baghban A, Katzman W

Response Letter to the Editor-Diamond et al, JBMR.

Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research

Ebeling PR, Akesson K, Bauer DC, Buchbinder R, Eastell R, Fink HA, Giangregorio L, Guanabens N, Kado D, Kallmes D, Katzman W, Rodriguez A, Wermers R, Wilson HA, Bouxsein ML

The Efficacy and Safety of Vertebral Augmentation: A Second ASBMR Task Force Report.

Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research

Ebeling PR, Akesson K, Bauer DC, Buchbinder R, Eastell R, Fink HA, Giangregorio L, Guanabens N, Kado D, Kallmes D, Katzman W, Rodriguez A, Wermers R, Wilson HA, Bouxsein ML

Reliability of sagittal vertical axis measurement and association with measures of age-related hyperkyphosis.

Journal of physical therapy science

Katzman WB, Parimi N, Gladin A, Fan B, Wong SS, Mergenthaler J, Lane NE

The reliability and validity of a designed setup for the assessment of static back extensor force and endurance in older women with and without hyperkyphosis.

Physiotherapy theory and practice

Roghani T, Khalkhali Zavieh M, Rahimi A, Talebian S, Manshadi FD, Akbarzadeh Baghban A, King N, Katzman W

Sex differences in response to targeted kyphosis specific exercise and posture training in community-dwelling older adults: a randomized controlled trial.

BMC musculoskeletal disorders

Katzman WB, Parimi N, Gladin A, Poltavskiy EA, Schafer AL, Long RK, Fan B, Wong SS, Lane NE

The Reliability of Standing Sagittal Measurements of Spinal Curvature and Range of Motion in Older Women With and Without Hyperkyphosis Using a Skin-Surface Device.

Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics

Roghani T, Khalkhali Zavieh M, Rahimi A, Talebian S, Dehghan Manshadi F, Akbarzadeh Baghban A, King N, Katzman W

Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Associations of Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis and Thoracic Kyphosis in Older Men and Women.

Arthritis care & research

Katzman WB, Parimi N, Mansoori Z, Nardo L, Kado DM, Cawthon PM, Marshall LM, Schousboe JT, Lane NE, Osteoporotic Fractures in Men Study Research Group and the Study of Osteoporotic Fractures

Targeted spine strengthening exercise and posture training program to reduce hyperkyphosis in older adults: results from the study of hyperkyphosis, exercise, and function (SHEAF) randomized controlled trial.

Osteoporosis international : a journal established as result of cooperation between the European Foundation for Osteoporosis and the National Osteoporosis Foundation of the USA

Katzman WB, Vittinghoff E, Lin F, Schafer A, Long RK, Wong S, Gladin A, Fan B, Allaire B, Kado DM, Lane NE


Innovation in Aging

W.B. Katzman, N. Parimi, A. Schafer, R. Long, S. Wong, N. Lane

Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis (DISH) and Impaired Physical Function: The Rancho Bernardo Study.

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

Katzman WB, Huang MH, Kritz-Silverstein D, Barrett-Connor E, Kado DM

Age-related hyperkyphosis: update of its potential causes and clinical impacts-narrative review.

Aging clinical and experimental research

Roghani T, Zavieh MK, Manshadi FD, King N, Katzman W

Thoracic kyphosis and rate of incident vertebral fractures: the Fracture Intervention Trial.

Osteoporosis international : a journal established as result of cooperation between the European Foundation for Osteoporosis and the National Osteoporosis Foundation of the USA

Katzman WB, Vittinghoff E, Kado DM, Lane NE, Ensrud KE, Shipp K

The Effectiveness of Exercise in Treatment of Pregnancy-Related Lumbar and Pelvic Girdle Pain.

Journal of Women's Health Physical Therapy

Inna Belogolovsky, Wendy Katzman, Natalie Christopherson, Monica Rivera, Diane D. Allen

Physical function in older men with hyperkyphosis.

The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences

Katzman WB, Harrison SL, Fink HA, Marshall LM, Orwoll E, Barrett-Connor E, Cawthon PM, Kado DM, Osteoporotic Fractures in Men (MrOS) Study Research Group

Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis association with thoracic spine kyphosis: a cross-sectional study for the Health Aging and Body Composition Study.


Nardo L, Lane NE, Parimi N, Cawthon PM, Fan B, Shepherd J, Cauley J, Zucker-Levin A, Murphy RA, Katzman WB

Hyperkyphosis, kyphosis progression, and risk of non-spine fractures in older community dwelling women: the study of osteoporotic fractures (SOF).

Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research

Kado DM, Miller-Martinez D, Lui LY, Cawthon P, Katzman WB, Hillier TA, Fink HA, Ensrud KE

Exercise for improving age-related hyperkyphotic posture: a systematic review.

Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Bansal S, Katzman WB, Giangregorio LM

Kyphosis and decline in physical function over 15 years in older community-dwelling women: the Study of Osteoporotic Fractures.

The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences

Katzman WB, Huang MH, Lane NE, Ensrud KE, Kado DM

Factors associated with kyphosis progression in older women: 15 years' experience in the study of osteoporotic fractures.

Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research

Kado DM, Huang MH, Karlamangla AS, Cawthon P, Katzman W, Hillier TA, Ensrud K, Cummings SR

Recognizing myofascial pelvic pain in the female patient with chronic pelvic pain.

Journal of obstetric, gynecologic, and neonatal nursing : JOGNN

Pastore EA, Katzman WB

Association of spinal muscle composition and prevalence of hyperkyphosis in healthy community-dwelling older men and women.

The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences

Katzman W, Cawthon P, Hicks GE, Vittinghoff E, Shepherd J, Cauley JA, Harris T, Simonsick EM, Strotmeyer E, Womack C, Kado DM

Increasing kyphosis predicts worsening mobility in older community-dwelling women: a prospective cohort study.

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

Katzman WB, Vittinghoff E, Ensrud K, Black DM, Kado DM

Age-related hyperkyphosis: its causes, consequences, and management.

The Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy

Katzman WB, Wanek L, Shepherd JA, Sellmeyer DE

Age-related hyperkyphosis, independent of spinal osteoporosis, is associated with impaired mobility in older community-dwelling women.

Osteoporosis international : a journal established as result of cooperation between the European Foundation for Osteoporosis and the National Osteoporosis Foundation of the USA

Katzman WB, Vittinghoff E, Kado DM

Changes in flexed posture, musculoskeletal impairments, and physical performance after group exercise in community-dwelling older women.

Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Katzman WB, Sellmeyer DE, Stewart AL, Wanek L, Hamel KA

Automated External Defibrillators for Layperson Use.

Advances in Health care Technology Care Shaping the Future of Medical

Chuck Little, Wendy B. Katzman