Stephen Rosenthal, MD

+1 415 476-2266

Dr. Stephen M. Rosenthal is co-founder and medical director of the multidisciplinary UCSF Child and Adolescent Gender Center (CAGC), where he cares for young transgender patients. He also cares for pediatric patients with endocrine disorders, such as abnormalities involving thyroid function or growth and puberty. He previously served as program director for pediatric endocrinology and director of the pediatric endocrinology clinics.

Rosenthal has conducted numerous multicenter clinical trials (studies that evaluate promising new treatments using human subjects). He is one of four principal investigators for "The Impact of Early Medical Treatment in Transgender Youth," a multicenter study sponsored by the National Institutes of Health and the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. He has published many papers on the care of transgender youths in scholarly journals, such as Pediatrics and the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. He was an appointed author of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health's updated standards of care. He also directs a collaboration between the CAGC and the San Francisco Department of Public Health to develop community outreach services for gender-diverse youths.

Rosenthal earned his medical degree from the Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons at Columbia University, where he also completed a residency in pediatrics. He completed a fellowship in pediatric endocrinology at UCSF.

An active member of the Pediatric Endocrine Society, Rosenthal has served as its president and on multiple committees. He also serves on the board of directors for the Endocrine Society. When that international organization created a task force to revise guidelines on care of transgender patients, he served as the Pediatric Endocrine Society's official representative and as a co-author.

Rosenthal feels fortunate to work in gender health and to be part of a dedicated care team. An avid figure skater outside of work, he has participated in adult competitions both nationally and internationally.

Interests: gender non-conforming/transgender youth and adolescents, gender, transgender


Emotional Health of Transgender Youth 24 Months After Initiating Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Olson-Kennedy J, Wang L, Wong CF, Chen D, Ehrensaft D, Hidalgo MA, Tishelman AC, Chan YM, Garofalo R, Radix AE, Rosenthal SM

Felix A. Conte, MD 1935-2024. The endocrinologist's endocrinologist.

Hormone research in paediatrics

Miller WL, Rosenthal SM, Gitelman SE, Lustig RH, Styne DM

Felix A. Conte, MD 1935-2024. The endocrinologist's endocrinologist.

Hormone research in paediatrics

Miller WL, Rosenthal SM, Gitelman SE, Lustig RH, Styne DM

Childhood Gender Diversity and Mental Health: Protocol for the Longitudinal, Observational Gender Journey Project.

JMIR research protocols

Hidalgo MA, Chen D, Tishelman AC, Olson-Kennedy J, Chan YM, Garofalo R, Petras H, Rosenthal SM, Ehrensaft D

Laboratory Changes During Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy in Transgender Adolescents.


Millington K, Lee JY, Olson-Kennedy J, Garofalo R, Rosenthal SM, Chan YM

Mental Health and Gender Affirmation of Black and Latine Transgender/Nonbinary Youth Compared to White Peers Prior to Hormone Initiation.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Vance SR, Chen D, Garofalo R, Glidden DV, Ehrensaft D, Hidalgo M, Tishelman A, Rosenthal SM, Chan YM, Olson-Kennedy J, Sevelius J

High Internalized Transphobia and Low Gender Identity Pride Are Associated With Depression Symptoms Among Transgender and Gender-Diverse Youth.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Conn BM, Chen D, Olson-Kennedy J, Chan YM, Ehrensaft D, Garofalo R, Rosenthal SM, Tishelman A, Hidalgo MA

Psychosocial Functioning in Transgender Youth after 2 Years of Hormones.

The New England journal of medicine

Chen D, Berona J, Chan YM, Ehrensaft D, Garofalo R, Hidalgo MA, Rosenthal SM, Tishelman AC, Olson-Kennedy J

The Evolution of Adolescent Gender-Affirming Care: An Historical Perspective.

Hormone research in paediatrics

Carswell JM, Lopez X, Rosenthal SM

Standards of Care for the Health of Transgender and Gender Diverse People, Version 8.

International journal of transgender health

Coleman E, Radix AE, Bouman WP, Brown GR, de Vries ALC, Deutsch MB, Ettner R, Fraser L, Goodman M, Green J, Hancock AB, Johnson TW, Karasic DH, Knudson GA, Leibowitz SF, Meyer-Bahlburg HFL, Monstrey SJ, Motmans J, Nahata L, Nieder TO, Reisner SL, Richards C, Schechter LS, Tangpricha V, Tishelman AC, Van Trotsenburg MAA, Winter S, Ducheny K, Adams NJ, Adri?n TM, Allen LR, Azul D, Bagga H, Basar K, Bathory DS, Belinky JJ, Berg DR, Berli JU, Bluebond-Langner RO, Bouman MB, Bowers ML, Brassard PJ, Byrne J, Capit?n L, Cargill CJ, Carswell JM, Chang SC, Chelvakumar G, Corneil T, Dalke KB, De Cuypere G, de Vries E, Den Heijer M, Devor AH, Dhejne C, D'Marco A, Edmiston EK, Edwards-Leeper L, Ehrbar R, Ehrensaft D, Eisfeld J, Elaut E, Erickson-Schroth L, Feldman JL, Fisher AD, Garcia MM, Gijs L, Green SE, Hall BP, Hardy TLD, Irwig MS, Jacobs LA, Janssen AC, Johnson K, Klink DT, Kreukels BPC, Kuper LE, Kvach EJ, Malouf MA, Massey R, Mazur T, McLachlan C, Morrison SD, Mosser SW, Neira PM, Nygren U, Oates JM, Obedin-Maliver J, Pagkalos G, Patton J, Phanuphak N, Rachlin K, Reed T, Rider GN, Ristori J, Robbins-Cherry S, Roberts SA, Rodriguez-Wallberg KA, Rosenthal SM, Sabir K, Safer JD, Scheim AI, Seal LJ, Sehoole TJ, Spencer K, St Amand C, Steensma TD, Strang JF, Taylor GB, Tilleman K, T'Sjoen GG, Vala LN, Van Mello NM, Veale JF, Vencill JA, Vincent B, Wesp LM, West MA, Arcelus J

Interpretation of Bone Mineral Density Z-Scores by Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry in Transgender and Gender Diverse Youth Prior to Gender-Affirming Medical Therapy.

Journal of clinical densitometry : the official journal of the International Society for Clinical Densitometry

Lee JY, Fan B, Montenegro G, Long RK, Sanda S, Capodanno G, Schafer AL, Burghardt AJ, Rosenthal SM, Fung EB

The effect of gender-affirming hormone treatment on serum creatinine in transgender and gender-diverse youth: implications for estimating GFR.

Pediatric nephrology (Berlin, Germany)

Millington K, Barrera E, Daga A, Mann N, Olson-Kennedy J, Garofalo R, Rosenthal SM, Chan YM

Increasing Access to Care for Transgender/Gender Diverse Youth Using Telehealth: A Quality Improvement Project.

Telemedicine journal and e-health : the official journal of the American Telemedicine Association

Russell MR, Rogers RL, Rosenthal SM, Lee JY

Growth in Transgender/Gender-Diverse Youth in the First Year of Treatment With Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Agonists.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Schulmeister C, Millington K, Kaufman M, Finlayson C, Kennedy JO, Garofalo R, Chan YM, Rosenthal SM

Association of High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol With Sex Steroid Treatment in Transgender and Gender-Diverse Youth.

JAMA pediatrics

Millington K, Finlayson C, Olson-Kennedy J, Garofalo R, Rosenthal SM, Chan YM

Bell v Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust [2020] EWHC 3274: Weighing current knowledge and uncertainties in decisions about gender-related treatment for transgender adolescents.

International journal of transgender health

de Vries ALC, Richards C, Tishelman AC, Motmans J, Hannema SE, Green J, Rosenthal SM

Consensus Parameter: Research Methodologies to Evaluate Neurodevelopmental Effects of Pubertal Suppression in Transgender Youth.

Transgender health

Chen D, Strang JF, Kolbuck VD, Rosenthal SM, Wallen K, Waber DP, Steinberg L, Sisk CL, Ross J, Paus T, Mueller SC, McCarthy MM, Micevych PE, Martin CL, Kreukels BPC, Kenworthy L, Herting MM, Herlitz A, Haraldsen IRJH, Dahl R, Crone EA, Chelune GJ, Burke SM, Berenbaum SA, Beltz AM, Bakker J, Eliot L, Vilain E, Wallace GL, Nelson EE, Garofalo R

Psychosocial Characteristics of Transgender Youth Seeking Gender-Affirming Medical Treatment: Baseline Findings From the Trans Youth Care Study.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Chen D, Abrams M, Clark L, Ehrensaft D, Tishelman AC, Chan YM, Garofalo R, Olson-Kennedy J, Rosenthal SM, Hidalgo MA

Low Bone Mineral Density in Early Pubertal Transgender/Gender Diverse Youth: Findings From the Trans Youth Care Study.

Journal of the Endocrine Society

Lee JY, Finlayson C, Olson-Kennedy J, Garofalo R, Chan YM, Glidden DV, Rosenthal SM

Physiological and Metabolic Characteristics of a Cohort of Transgender and Gender-Diverse Youth in the United States.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Millington K, Schulmeister C, Finlayson C, Grabert R, Olson-Kennedy J, Garofalo R, Rosenthal SM, Chan YM

Creating the Trans Youth Research Network: A Collaborative Research Endeavor.

Transgender health

Olson-Kennedy J, Chan YM, Rosenthal S, Hidalgo MA, Chen D, Clark L, Ehrensaft D, Tishelman A, Garofalo R

Response to Letter to the Editor: "Endocrine Treatment of Gender-Dysphoric/Gender-Incongruent Persons: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline".

The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism

Rosenthal SM, Hembree WC, Cohen-Kettenis PT, Gooren L, Hannema SE, Meyer WJ, Murad MH, Safer JD, Tangpricha V, T'Sjoen GG

Use of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Analogs in Children: Update by an International Consortium.

Hormone research in paediatrics

Bangalore Krishna K, Fuqua JS, Rogol AD, Klein KO, Popovic J, Houk CP, Charmandari E, Lee PA, Freire AV, Ropelato MG, Yazid Jalaludin M, Mbogo J, Kanaka-Gantenbein C, Luo X, Eugster EA, Klein KO, Vogiatzi MG, Reifschneider K, Bamba V, Garcia Rudaz C, Kaplowitz P, Backeljauw P, Allen DB, Palmert MR, Harrington J, Guerra-Junior G, Stanley T, Torres Tamayo M, Miranda Lora AL, Bajpai A, Silverman LA, Miller BS, Dayal A, Horikawa R, Oberfield S, Rogol AD, Tajima T, Popovic J, Witchel SF, Rosenthal SM, Finlayson C, Hannema SE, Castilla-Peon MF, Mericq V, Medina Bravo PG

Impact of Early Medical Treatment for Transgender Youth: Protocol for the Longitudinal, Observational Trans Youth Care Study.

JMIR research protocols

Olson-Kennedy J, Chan YM, Garofalo R, Spack N, Chen D, Clark L, Ehrensaft D, Hidalgo M, Tishelman A, Rosenthal S


Endocrine practice : official journal of the American College of Endocrinology and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists

Hembree WC, Cohen-Kettenis PT, Gooren L, Hannema SE, Meyer WJ, Murad MH, Rosenthal SM, Safer JD, Tangpricha V, T'Sjoen GG

Endocrine Treatment of Gender-Dysphoric/Gender-Incongruent Persons: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline.

The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism

Hembree WC, Cohen-Kettenis PT, Gooren L, Hannema SE, Meyer WJ, Murad MH, Rosenthal SM, Safer JD, Tangpricha V, T'Sjoen GG

Statement on gender-affirmative approach to care from the pediatric endocrine society special interest group on transgender health.

Current opinion in pediatrics

Lopez X, Marinkovic M, Eimicke T, Rosenthal SM, Olshan JS, Pediatric Endocrine Society Transgender Health Special Interest Group

Enhancing Pediatric Trainees' and Students' Knowledge in Providing Care to Transgender Youth.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Vance SR, Deutsch MB, Rosenthal SM, Buckelew SM

Transgender youth: current concepts.

Annals of pediatric endocrinology & metabolism

Rosenthal SM

Research priorities for gender nonconforming/transgender youth: gender identity development and biopsychosocial outcomes.

Current opinion in endocrinology, diabetes, and obesity

Olson-Kennedy J, Cohen-Kettenis PT, Kreukels BP, Meyer-Bahlburg HF, Garofalo R, Meyer W, Rosenthal SM

Treating Transgender Youth: Pushing the Dialogue Forward.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Vance SR, Rosenthal SM

Gender Variance and Dysphoria in Children and Adolescents.

Pediatric clinics of North America

Bonifacio HJ, Rosenthal SM

Author's Response.


Vance SR, Ehrensaft D, Rosenthal SM

Health care providers' comfort with and barriers to care of transgender youth.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Vance SR, Halpern-Felsher BL, Rosenthal SM

Anti-thymocyte globulin/G-CSF treatment preserves ß cell function in patients with established type 1 diabetes.

The Journal of clinical investigation

Haller MJ, Gitelman SE, Gottlieb PA, Michels AW, Rosenthal SM, Shuster JJ, Zou B, Brusko TM, Hulme MA, Wasserfall CH, Mathews CE, Atkinson MA, Schatz DA

Approach to the patient: transgender youth: endocrine considerations.

The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism

Rosenthal SM

Psychological and medical care of gender nonconforming youth.


Vance SR, Ehrensaft D, Rosenthal SM

Contextualized analysis of a needs assessment using the Theoretical Domains Framework: a case example in endocrinology.

BMC health services research

Lazure P, Bartel RC, Biller BM, Molitch ME, Rosenthal SM, Ross JL, Bernsten BD, Hayes SM

Teplizumab treatment may improve C-peptide responses in participants with type 1 diabetes after the new-onset period: a randomised controlled trial.


Herold KC, Gitelman SE, Willi SM, Gottlieb PA, Waldron-Lynch F, Devine L, Sherr J, Rosenthal SM, Adi S, Jalaludin MY, Michels AW, Dziura J, Bluestone JA

Pediatric disorders of water balance.

Pediatric clinics of North America

Ranadive SA, Rosenthal SM

Functional characterization of vasopressin type 2 receptor substitutions (R137H/C/L) leading to nephrogenic diabetes insipidus and nephrogenic syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis: implications for treatments.

Molecular pharmacology

Rochdi MD, Vargas GA, Carpentier E, Oligny-Longpré G, Chen S, Kovoor A, Gitelman SE, Rosenthal SM, von Zastrow M, Bouvier M

Long-term outcomes in a family with nephrogenic syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis.

International journal of pediatric endocrinology

Cho YH, Gitelman S, Rosenthal S, Ambler G

Pediatric disorders of water balance.

Endocrinology and metabolism clinics of North America

Ranadive SA, Rosenthal SM

Identification, characterization and rescue of a novel vasopressin-2 receptor mutation causing nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.

Clinical endocrinology

Ranadive SA, Ersoy B, Favre H, Cheung CC, Rosenthal SM, Miller WL, Vaisse C

Isolated adrenocorticotropic hormone deficiency presenting as an acute neurologic emergency in a peripubertal girl.

Journal of pediatric endocrinology & metabolism : JPEM

Bremer AA, Ranadive S, Conrad SC, Vallette-Kasic S, Rosenthal SM

Nordihydroguaiaretic acid inhibits insulin-like growth factor signaling, growth, and survival in human neuroblastoma cells.

Journal of cellular biochemistry

Meyer GE, Chesler L, Liu D, Gable K, Maddux BA, Goldenberg DD, Youngren JF, Goldfine ID, Weiss WA, Matthay KK, Rosenthal SM

Treatment perspectives in idiopathic short stature with a focus on IGF-I deficiency.

Pediatric endocrinology reviews : PER

Rosenthal S, Cohen P, Clayton P, Backeljauw P, Bang P, Ten S

Report of a hürthle cell neoplasm in a peripubertal girl.

Thyroid : official journal of the American Thyroid Association

Bremer AA, Feldman BJ, Iezza G, Clark OH, Rosenthal SM

Nephrogenic syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis (NSIAD): a paradigm for activating mutations causing endocrine dysfunction.

Pediatric endocrinology reviews : PER

Rosenthal SM, Feldman BJ, Vargas GA, Gitelman SE

Nephrogenic syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis: a novel disorder in water balance in pediatric patients.

The American journal of medicine

Gitelman SE, Feldman BJ, Rosenthal SM

Oral urea for the treatment of chronic syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis in children.

The Journal of pediatrics

Huang EA, Feldman BJ, Schwartz ID, Geller DH, Rosenthal SM, Gitelman SE

Nephrogenic syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis.

The New England journal of medicine

Feldman BJ, Rosenthal SM, Vargas GA, Fenwick RG, Huang EA, Matsuda-Abedini M, Lustig RH, Mathias RS, Portale AA, Miller WL, Gitelman SE

Update of guidelines for the use of growth hormone in children: the Lawson Wilkins Pediatric Endocrinology Society Drug and Therapeutics Committee.

The Journal of pediatrics

Wilson TA, Rose SR, Cohen P, Rogol AD, Backeljauw P, Brown R, Hardin DS, Kemp SF, Lawson M, Radovick S, Rosenthal SM, Silverman L, Speiser P, Lawson Wilkins Pediatric Endocrinology Society Drug and Therapeutics Committee

Functional inactivation of the IGF-I receptor delays differentiation of skeletal muscle cells.

The Journal of endocrinology

Cheng ZQ, Adi S, Wu NY, Hsiao D, Woo EJ, Filvaroff EH, Gustafson TA, Rosenthal SM

Opposing early inhibitory and late stimulatory effects of insulin-like growth factor-I on myogenin gene transcription.

Journal of cellular biochemistry

Adi S, Cheng ZQ, Zhang PL, Wu NY, Mellon SH, Rosenthal SM

Peptide mapping and characterisation of glycation patterns of the glima 38 antigen recognised by autoantibodies in Type I diabetic patients.


Roll U, Turck CW, Gitelman SE, Rosenthal SM, Nolte MS, Masharani U, Ziegler AG, Baekkeskov S

Long-term outcome in children and adolescents after transsphenoidal surgery for Cushing's disease.

The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism

Devoe DJ, Miller WL, Conte FA, Kaplan SL, Grumbach MM, Rosenthal SM, Wilson CB, Gitelman SE

Adjunctive growth hormone during ovarian hyperstimulation increases levels of insulin-like growth factor binding proteins in follicular fluid: a randomized, placebo-controlled, cross-over study.

The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism

Rabinovici J, Cataldo NA, Dandekar P, Rosenthal SM, Gargosky SE, Gesundheit N, Martin MC

Differential regulation of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) receptor gene expression by IGF-I and basic fibroblastic growth factor.

The Journal of biological chemistry

Hernández-Sánchez C, Werner H, Roberts CT, Woo EJ, Hum DW, Rosenthal SM, LeRoith D

Embryonic expression of tenascin-X suggests a role in limb, muscle, and heart development.

Developmental dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists

Burch GH, Bedolli MA, McDonough S, Rosenthal SM, Bristow J

Successful treatment with hydrochlorothiazide and amiloride in an infant with congenital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.

Pediatric nephrology (Berlin, Germany)

Uyeki TM, Barry FL, Rosenthal SM, Mathias RS

Growth factor receptor regulation in the Minn-1 leprechaun: defects in both insulin receptor and epidermal growth factor receptor gene expression.

Metabolism: clinical and experimental

Goodman PA, Sbraccia P, Brunetti A, Wong KY, Carter JD, Rosenthal SM, Goldfine ID

A monoclonal antibody to the T-cell receptor increases IGF-I receptor content in normal T-lymphocytes: comparison with phytohemagglutinin.

Journal of cellular biochemistry

Hartmann KK, Baier TG, Papa V, Kronenwett M, Brown EJ, Goldfine ID, Rosenthal SM

Progestins induce down-regulation of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) receptors in human breast cancer cells: potential autocrine role of IGF-II.

Molecular endocrinology (Baltimore, Md.)

Papa V, Hartmann KK, Rosenthal SM, Maddux BA, Siiteri PK, Goldfine ID

Regulation of insulin-like growth factor (IGF) I receptor expression during muscle cell differentiation. Potential autocrine role of IGF-II.

The Journal of clinical investigation

Rosenthal SM, Brunetti A, Brown EJ, Mamula PW, Goldfine ID

A rapid and simple one step method for isolation of poly(A)+ RNA from cells in monolayer.


Hartmann KK, Papa V, Brown EJ, Doerries U, Rosenthal SM, Goldfine ID

The effect of pulsatile administration, continuous infusion, and diurnal variation on the growth hormone (GH) response to GH-releasing hormone in normal men.

The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism

Hulse JA, Rosenthal SM, Cuttler L, Kaplan SL, Grumbach MM

Exogenous growth hormone inhibits growth hormone-releasing factor-induced growth hormone secretion in normal men.

The Journal of clinical investigation

Rosenthal SM, Hulse JA, Kaplan SL, Grumbach MM

Testicular changes in gonadotropin-independent familial male sexual precocity. Familial testotoxicosis.

Archives of pathology & laboratory medicine

Gondos B, Egli CA, Rosenthal SM, Grumbach MM

Synthetic human pancreas growth hormone-releasing factor (hpGRF1-44-NH2) stimulates growth hormone secretion in normal men.

The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism

Rosenthal SM, Schriock EA, Kaplan SL, Guillemin R, Grumbach MM

Physical agents and trauma; mechanisms and therapy of traumatic shock.

Annual review of medicine


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