Osteoarthritis and Cartilage

Is superolateral Hoffa's fat pad hyperintensity a marker of local patellofemoral joint disease? - The MOST study.

Osteoarthritis and Cartilage

Jarraya M, Guermazi A, Felson DT, Roemer FW, Nevitt MC, Torner J, Lewis CE, Stefanik JJ

Topological Data Analysis to Predict Cartilage Lesion Progression in Knee Osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis and Cartilage

V. Pedoia, J. Haefeli, K. Morioka, H.-L. Teng, L. Nardo, R.B. Souza, A.R. Ferguson, S. Majumdar

Knee tissue lesions and prediction of incident knee osteoarthritis over 7 years in a cohort of persons at higher risk.

Osteoarthritis and Cartilage

Sharma L, Hochberg M, Nevitt M, Guermazi A, Roemer F, Crema MD, Eaton C, Jackson R, Kwoh K, Cauley J, Almagor O, Chmiel JS

Quantitative measurement of medial femoral knee cartilage volume - analysis of the OA Biomarkers Consortium FNIH Study cohort.

Osteoarthritis and Cartilage

Schaefer LF, Sury M, Yin M, Jamieson S, Donnell I, Smith SE, Lynch JA, Nevitt MC, Duryea J

Varus thrust during walking and the risk of incident and worsening medial tibiofemoral MRI lesions: the Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study.

Osteoarthritis and Cartilage

Wink AE, Gross KD, Brown CA, Guermazi A, Roemer F, Niu J, Torner J, Lewis CE, Nevitt MC, Tolstykh I, Sharma L, Felson DT

The relationship between meniscal pathology and osteoarthritis depends on the type of meniscal damage visible on magnetic resonance images: data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative.

Osteoarthritis and Cartilage

Antony B, Driban JB, Price LL, Lo GH, Ward RJ, Nevitt M, Lynch J, Eaton CB, Ding C, McAlindon TE

Role of thigh muscle cross-sectional area and strength in progression of knee cartilage degeneration over 48 months - data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative.

Osteoarthritis and Cartilage

Goldman LH, Tang K, Facchetti L, Heilmeier U, Joseph GB, Nevitt MC, McCulloch CE, Souza RB, Link TM

Baseline trabecular bone and its relation to incident radiographic knee osteoarthritis and increase in joint space narrowing score: directional fractal signature analysis in the MOST study.

Osteoarthritis and Cartilage

Podsiadlo P, Nevitt MC, Wolski M, Stachowiak GW, Lynch JA, Tolstykh I, Felson DT, Segal NA, Lewis CE, Englund M
