The Journal of Immunology

Development of uveitis in a mouse model of spontaneous autoimmunity correlates with frequency of autoantigen-specific regulatory T cells.

The Journal of Immunology

Mianmian Yin, Kamir J Hiam, Irina Proekt, Jackie Chan, Yongmei Hu, Clifford A Lowell, Douglas B Gould, Matthew Spitzer, Mark S Anderson, Anthony L DeFranco

Autoantigen specific T-cell receptor induces organ-specific autoimmunity by escaping T cell negative selection.

The Journal of Immunology

Mianmian Yin, Jennifer A Smith, Marissa Chou, Jackie Chan, Yongmei Hu, Clifford A Lowell, Douglas B Gould, Mark S Anderson, Anthony L DeFranco

T-cell receptor repertoire of mice with organ-specific autoimmunity resulting from a partial defect in T cell negative selection and dendritic cell enhancement.

The Journal of Immunology

Mianmian Yin, Jennifer A Smith, Marissa Chou, Jackie Chan, Yongmei Hu, Clifford A Lowell, Douglas B Gould, Mark S Anderson, Anthony L DeFranco

Correlation of autoantigen-specific Treg frequency with development of spontaneous organ-specific autoimmunity in a mouse model of uveitis.

The Journal of Immunology

Mianmian Yin, Kamir Hiam, Irina Proekt, Jackie Chan, Yongmei Hu, Clifford A Lowell, Douglas B Gould, Mark S Anderson, Anthony L DeFranco

Triggering of organ-specific autoimmunity through synergy of defects in key tolerance checkpoints.

The Journal of Immunology

Irina Proekt, Corey Miller, Marion Jeanne, Kayla Fasano, Clifford A Lowell, Douglas Gould, Mark S Anderson, Anthony L DeFranco