Journal of biomechanics

Physicochemical and biochemical spatiotemporal maps of a mouse penis.

Journal of biomechanics

Hennefarth MR, Chen L, Wang B, Lue TF, Stoller ML, Lin G, Kang M, Ho SP

Effects of dynamic loading on solute transport through the human cartilage endplate.

Journal of biomechanics

Sampson SL, Sylvia M, Fields AJ

A modular approach to creating large engineered cartilage surfaces.

Journal of biomechanics

Ford AC, Chui WF, Zeng AY, Nandy A, Liebenberg E, Carraro C, Kazakia G, Alliston T, O'Connell GD

Biomechanics and strain mapping in bone as related to immediately-loaded dental implants.

Journal of biomechanics

Du J, Lee JH, Jang AT, Gu A, Hossaini-Zadeh M, Prevost R, Curtis DA, Ho SP
