Archives of oral biology

Elevated TGF-beta2 signaling in dentin results in sex related enamel defects.

Archives of oral biology

Saeki K, Hilton JF, Alliston T, Habelitz S, Marshall SJ, Marshall GW, Denbesten P

MEPE is downregulated as dental pulp stem cells differentiate.

Archives of oral biology

Liu H, Li W, Shi S, Habelitz S, Gao C, Denbesten P

Characterization of human primary enamel organ epithelial cells in vitro.

Archives of oral biology

DenBesten PK, Machule D, Zhang Y, Yan Q, Li W

Effects of sodium fluoride on the actin cytoskeleton of murine ameloblasts.

Archives of oral biology

Li Y, Decker S, Yuan ZA, Denbesten PK, Aragon MA, Jordan-Sciutto K, Abrams WR, Huh J, McDonald C, Chen E, MacDougall M, Gibson CW

Effects of fluoride on rat dental enamel matrix proteinases.

Archives of oral biology

DenBesten PK, Yan Y, Featherstone JD, Hilton JF, Smith CE, Li W

Mechanical properties of human dental enamel on the nanometre scale.

Archives of oral biology

Habelitz S, Marshall SJ, Marshall GW, Balooch M

Identification of two additional exons at the 3' end of the amelogenin gene.

Archives of oral biology

Li W, Mathews C, Gao C, DenBesten PK

Fluoride binding by matrix proteins in rat mineralizing tissue.

Archives of oral biology

DenBesten PK, Heffernan LM, Featherstone JD, Shields CP
