Adaptation of the CDC Surgical Wound Classification System for Orthopaedic Trauma Surgery.

John A. Scolaro, Julie Agel, Meir. Marmor, Jarrod Dumpe, Matt Karam, James Kellam, Eric Meinberg, John Munz, Mai Nguyen, Gillian Soles, Daniel Stinner, Geoffrey S. Marecek. Adaptation of the CDC Surgical Wound Classification System for Orthopaedic Trauma Surgery. Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma. 2021 Sep 9; Publish Ahead of Print.


John A. Scolaro, Julie Agel, Meir. Marmor, Jarrod Dumpe, Matt Karam, James Kellam, Eric Meinberg, John Munz, Mai Nguyen, Gillian Soles, Daniel Stinner, Geoffrey S. Marecek